Friday, December 29, 2006

So for my 2007 resolutions, I would like to buff up more, get my own car, and earn extra bit of cash, by myself.

From 2004 till 2005, I was overweight. Ate too much when my girl was around in Cyberjaya. After she went back to KK to work, I've tried losing the extra bulge by jogging and working out.

Me in late 2004

Me during my Philippines trip

Kinda proud of myself. Lost 20 kg's in 18 months but I want more. I'm not aiming for Ronnie Coleman or even Sazali. At least by 2009, I'll have a Matthew McConaughey. =P

Sunday, November 05, 2006

I went back for my semester holidays.

Was the MC for my baby's first bellydancing recital.

Went to the Philippines. T'was fun, fun, fun. Filipinos are uber friendly.

Monday, September 04, 2006

So I went back to Sabah to attend my cousin's wedding. Was the bestman and the MC during the dinner.

The lovely bride and bridesmaids.

The baldest and cutest there.

After the wedding in church, we went on a helicopter, which was parked in front, and toured around KK! My first time on one so you can guess the excitement.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Went kayaking in Putrajaya yesterday. T'was fun.

Me and my oversized lifejacket.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Tempered Mental in KL Jam Asia, Sri Hartamas on 26th August, 2006.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

So Shahrul and I joined the AXN Amazing Mall Challenge in 1 Utama today. We didn't win anything though. Didn't get any placing. At all. Got a goodie bag though. Met lots of new, cool friends, tried out lots of new stuffs (i.e baseball, rock-climbing, running around a shopping mall, asking help from strangers). Anyway, thanks AXN. Will join more competitions like these if they do come around soon.

Team 2 rocks!

Took 2 buses back to Cyberjaya and continued to watch me cousin, Velvet, doing a show in conjuction with the 10th anniversary of MSC.

Velvet's in the middle, fyi. (Got inside their changing room and chilled with them)

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

So I was watching BBC World yesterday night and I saw ME playing the 'sape'. Taken during the Rainforest World Music Festival 2006 in Kuching, Sarawak.

A clip of the show, taken with my digicam.

Friday, July 21, 2006

My first post.

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